Set in the thriving underground club scene in Mumbai. This show follows the lives of various drag kings who perform in the city. The main act is that of Rocky aka Shammsher. Rocky pays homage to Shammi Kapoor and that golden era of Hindi cinema. Joined by a motley crew of women who revel in drag performance, this cabaret-like show takes the audience into a grimy secret world that gives you the license to be whoever you want.

Using dance, music and projection, this show weaves an exciting and provocative tale of women and their celebration of masculinity.

What is unique about this show is that it can be performed in almost any venue. We have performed this show for numerous private and corporate events.


Devised by
  • Puja Sarup
  • Sheena Khalid
  • Rachel D'souza
  • Vikram Phukan
Performances by
  • Puja Sarup
  • Sheena Khalid
  • Rachel D'souza
  • Ratnabali Bhattacharjee
  • Mukti Mohan
  • Amey Mehta
Choreographed by
  • Amey Mehta


We have also had the opportunity to tour this show to prestigious festivals all over the country such as,

  • NCPA Centerstage Festival (Mumbai)
  • Habitat Old World Festival (Delhi)
  • Repertwahr Festival (Lucknow)
  • Remembering Veenapani (Auroville)
  • G Plus Theatre Festival (Guwahati)
  • Serendipity Art Festival (Goa)
  • Mumbai Pride Week (Mumbai)


India’s first drag king show. Funny, poignant, cool and, above all, celebratory, this was fierce and unapologetic theatre

Verve India

Sarup is the livewire that electrifies

Daily Pao

The play has a healthy mix of dialogues, music, dance and some mind-boggling performances that hope to break the barrier of typical theatre-style acts. The roaring success of the show is largely attributed to the fact that the artists were experimental

The Hindu

The two actresses’ portrayal of drag kings had the audience hooting, cheering and clapping all through the 70 minute performance

Mumbai Mirror



I have fallen off my chair laughing at Puja Sarup’s Shammi Kapoor!! I’m saying go watch the Gentlemen’s Club because it's outrageous and brilliant.

Kalki Koechlin (Actor)

An absolutely thrilling piece of theatre! TAPE is cocky, smart, seductive and dramatic with fantastic performances & sparkling dialogue. Must experience!

Rohini Ramanathan (RJ)

A grand, funny, and insightful inquiry into genders, powered with crackling writing and terrific performances. The most fun I have had watching theatre in Mumbai.

Varun Grover (Writer and Comedian)

The gentlemen's club is a show to be experienced, once at least if not more than that. It took me back to the days of Shammi and how. Every character on stage is quirky, convincing, hilarious. I just sat back, let my hair down and relaxed into the show. Highly recommend this breath of retro fresh air.

Anjana Bapat (Dancer)


In most cities that have a thriving queer culture, one is familiar with the notion of a Drag Queen. But Drag Kings are rare. The wonderful thing about drag is that it is essentially a celebration, be it of femininity or masculinity. So we, at Patchworks Ensemble, wanted to explore the notion of drag in an Indian context. We began by imagining a fictitious under-ground queer movement in the city of Mumbai. What would be the push and pull of being an artist in this environment?
The Gentlemen’s Club is a hot-pot of vintage Bollywood, drag and a uniqueness of identity which is not only accepted but celebrated.